Book time with me
Individuals seeking advice on anything - career development, HR related topics, mini-coaching/advising can book time with me here. To be more inclusive with my pricing, you’ll see sliding scales and tiered pricing below. I understand that both people and companies are at different stages financially, some starting with less privilege than others. So, hopefully, I can help you within your means. Click on the links below to book time at the different tiers.
Hourly Rates
I am comfortably able to meet my basic needs. I own a home or pay rent on a nice place. I own or lease a car. I am employed/self-employed. I have expendable income and can buy things when I need them.
I am able to meet my basic needs. I have stable employment and am employed/self-employed. I have comfortable housing and reliable transportation. I have some expendable income.
I may stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them. I’m employed/self-employed, but working part-time to make ends meet. I have limited expendable income.
I frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them. Both my employment and housing is unstable. I have no or very limited expendable income.